Al-Mundhir III ibn al-Harith

Al-Mundhir III ibn al-Harith
King of the Ghassanids, Roman Patrician and Phylarch of the Saracens
Reign 569–581
Died after 602
Predecessor Al-Harith V
Successor Unnamed brother (Byzantine candidate)
Al-Numan VI (de facto)
Father Al-Harith V

Al-Mundhir ibn al-Ḥārith, known in Greek sources as [Flavios] Alamoundaros ([Φλάβιος] Ἀλαμούνδαρος), was the king of the Ghassanid Arabs from 569 to c. 581. A son of Al-Harith ibn Jabalah, he succeeded his father both in the kingship over his tribe and as the chief of the Byzantine Empire's Arab clients and allies in the East, with the rank of patricius. Despite scoring victories over the rival Persian-backed Lakhmids, throughout Mundhir's reign his relations with Byzantium were lukewarm due to his staunch Monophysitism. This led to a complete breakdown of the alliance in 572, after Mundhir discovered Byzantine plans to assassinate him. Relations were restored in 575 and Mundhir secured from the emperor both recognition of his royal status and a pledge of tolerance towards the Monophysite Church.

In 580/581 Mundhir participated in an unsuccessful campaign against the Persian capital, Ctesiphon, alongside the Byzantine general (and future emperor) Maurice. The failure of the campaign led to a quarrel between the two and Maurice accused Mundhir of treason. Byzantine agents captured Mundhir who was brought to Constantinople but never faced trial. His arrest provoked an uprising among the Ghassanids under Mundhir's son al-Nu'man VI. When Maurice ascended the throne in 582, Mundhir was exiled to Sicily although, according to one source, he was allowed to return to his homeland after Maurice's overthrow in 602.


Succession and early career

Mundhir was the son of al-Harith ibn Jabalah, ruler of the Ghassanid tribe and supreme phylarch of the Arab foederati in the eastern frontier of the Byzantine Empire.[1] Situated on the southern flank of the frontier, the Ghassanids faced the Lakhmids, another powerful Arab tribe who were in turn the chief client of Byzantium's main antagonist, the Sassanid Persian Empire.[2] Harith had been raised to the kingship and to the position of supreme phylarch by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (r. 527–565), who wished thereby to create a strong counterpart to the Lakhmid rulers.[3] Mundhir had been confirmed as his father's heir as early as 563, during the latter's visit to Constantinople, and succeeded after Harith's death in 569. It appears that Mundhir immediately inherited – uniquely, as they were not hereditary but only acquired progressively – his father's Byzantine titles, i.e. the rank of patricius, the honorific appellation paneuphemos ("most honorable") and the prestigious honorific gentilicum "Flavius", borne by the Byzantine emperors and consuls.[4]

Soon after Harith's death, Ghassanid territory was attacked by Qabus ibn al-Mundhir, the new Lakhmid ruler, who sought to take advantage of the situation. Qabus' forces were repulsed and Mundhir invaded Lakhmid territory in turn, seizing much plunder. As he turned back, the Lakhmids again confronted the Ghassanid army, but suffered a heavy defeat.[5][6] After this success, Mundhir wrote to the Byzantine emperor Justin II (r. 565–578) asking for gold for his men. This request reportedly angered Justin, who sent instructions to his local commander to lure the Ghassanid ruler into a trap and have him killed. The letter however fell into Mundhir's hands, who then severed his relations with the Empire and refused to commit his forces during the war with Persia that began in 572.[6][7]

Return to Byzantine allegiance

As the Byzantines relied upon the Ghassanids to cover the approaches to Syria, Mundhir's withdrawal left a gap in the Byzantine southern flank,[6] which persisted for three years until 575 when Mundhir returned to the Byzantine allegiance through the mediation of the general Justinian.[8] Immediately after this reconciliation, Mundhir assembled an army in secret and launched an attack against Hirah, the Lakhmid capital — at the time arguably the Arab world's largest, most prosperous, and culturally vibrant city.[9] The city was sacked, plundered and put to the torch, except for the churches. According to John of Ephesus, Mundhir donated much of his booty from this expedition to monasteries and the poor.[7][10][11] In the same year, Mundhir visited Constantinople where he was awarded a crown or diadem (stemma), marking the formal renewal of his role as Byzantium's chief Arab client-king.[12]

The war with Persia was interrupted by a three-year truce agreed in 575. In 578 hostilities were renewed, but the sources on the period, fragmentary as they are, do not mention a Ghassanid participation for the first two years.[13] In 580 Mundhir was invited by Emperor Tiberius II (r. 578–582) to visit the capital again. He arrived in the city on 8 February, accompanied by two of his sons, and was lavishly received. On this occasion, among a multitude of other gifts, he was also presented with a royal crown, instead of the simpler coronet or diadem he had been awarded before.[14][15][16]

While at Constantinople Mundhir received permission from the emperor to hold a Monophysite church council, which convened on 2 March 580. This council managed, albeit for a brief time, to reconcile the various factions and sects of the Monophysites. It was a goal towards which Mundhir had long striven, as when he intervened in the quarrel between Jacob Baradaeus and Paul the Black, the Monophysite patriarch of Antioch.[15][17][18] Before leaving the imperial capital, the Ghassanid ruler also secured a pledge from the emperor that the persecutions of the Monophysites would cease. When he returned home Mundhir discovered that the Lakhmids and Persians had used his absence to raid his domains. Gathering his forces, he fell upon their army, defeated them and returned home laden with booty.[17][19]

In the summer of 580 or 581 Mundhir went to Circesium on the river Euphrates, where he joined the Byzantine forces under the new magister militum per Orientem, Maurice, for a campaign deep into Persian territory.[20] The combined force moved south along the river, accompanied by a fleet of ships. The allied army stormed the fortress of Anatha and moved on until it reached the region of Beth Aramaye in central Mesopotamia, near the Persian capital of Ctesiphon. There, however, they found the bridge over the Euphrates destroyed by the Persians.[21] With any possibility of a march to Ctesiphon gone, they were forced to retreat, especially since at the same time the Persian commander Adarmahan had taken advantage of the Byzantine army's absence and was raiding freely in Osroene, where he sacked the provincial capital Edessa. The retreat was arduous for the exhausted army, and Maurice and Mundhir exchanged recriminations for the expedition's failure. Mundhir and Maurice cooperated however in forcing Adarmahan to withdraw, and inflicted a defeat upon him at Callinicum.[21] Upon returning to his lands, Mundhir learned that a combined Persian-Lakhmid force was preparing another attack against the Ghassanid realm. Immediately he set out to meet them, engaged their army and defeated it comprehensively, before going on to capture the enemy camp. It was to be his last victory.[17][22]

Arrest and exile

Despite his successes, Mundhir was accused by Maurice of treason during the preceding campaign. Maurice claimed that Mundhir had revealed the Byzantine plan to the Persians, who then proceeded to destroy the bridge over the Euphrates. The chronicler John of Ephesus explicitly calls this assertion a lie, for either way the Byzantine intentions must have been plain to the Persian commanders.[23][24] Both Maurice and Mundhir wrote letters to the emperor Tiberius, who tried to reconcile them. Finally, Maurice himself visited Constantinople, where he was able to persuade Tiberius of Mundhir's guilt.[23] The charge of treason is almost universally dismissed by modern historians. According to Irfan Shahîd, the foremost scholar on pre-Islamic Arabian Christianity and Arab relations with Byzantium, it had probably more to do with Maurice's dislike of the veteran and militarily successful Arab ruler. This was further compounded by the Byzantines' habitual distrust of the "barbarian" and supposedly innately traitorous Arabs, as well as by Mundhir's staunchly Monophysite faith.[25]

Tiberius ordered Mundhir's arrest, and a trap was laid for the Ghassanid king: summoned to Constantinople to answer charges of treason, Mundhir chose his friend, the curator Magnus, as his advocate. Magnus was probably a Byzantine, hailing from Huwwarin (Evaria). There he had built a church, and he now called on Mundhir to join him and the patriarch of Antioch Gregory in the dedication ceremony.[26] Mundhir arrived with only a small escort and was arrested by Byzantine troops stationed in secret at the location. He was transported to Constantinople, joined along the way by his wife and three of his children. At the capital, he was treated well by Tiberius, who allowed him a comfortable residence and a subsidy, but denied him an audience.[17][27] Irfan Shahîd believes that this generous treatment, as well as the fact that he was not brought to trial for his supposed treason, indicate that Tiberius too did not believe the charges, but ordered the arrest chiefly to placate the strong anti-Monophysite faction in the imperial capital.[28]

In the meantime, Mundhir's arrest provoked a revolt led by his son Nu'man and his remaining three brothers. For two years the Ghassanid army launched raids into the Byzantine provinces from their bases in the desert, even defeating and killing the Byzantine dux of Arabia in a battle at Bostra. Tiberius reacted by raising a Chalcedonian brother of Mundhir to the Ghassanid kingship.[29] A large army with Magnus at its head was dispatched east to counter Nu'man and install his uncle as king. The latter was swiftly done, but the new king died after only twenty days. Magnus also had some success in subduing or subverting the allegiance of some minor Arab tribes away from the Ghassanids. Magnus died shortly before Tiberius' own death in August 582, and with Maurice's accession to the throne, Nu'man journeyed to Constantinople to achieve a reconciliation with Byzantium. Instead he too was arrested, tried, and convicted to death, although the sentence was quickly commuted to house arrest.[30]

Mundhir remained in Constantinople until the death of Tiberius and the accession of Maurice, when he was exiled to Sicily.[17][31] It is likely that he is to be identified with a man named Alamundarus mentioned by Pope Gregory the Great in 600, indicating that he was still alive at the time. A 13th-century Syriac chronicle further records that after Maurice's overthrow and murder in 602, Mundhir was allowed to return home.[32]


  1. ^ Martindale, Jones & Morris (1992), p. 34
  2. ^ Kazhdan (1991), pp. 850, 1170
  3. ^ Greatrex & Lieu (2002), p. 88
  4. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 295–296, 495–497 512–518
  5. ^ Martindale, Jones & Morris (1992), pp. 35, 258
  6. ^ a b c Greatrex & Lieu (2002), p. 136
  7. ^ a b Martindale, Jones & Morris (1992), p. 35
  8. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 373–377
  9. ^ Shahîd (1986), p. 462
  10. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 378–383
  11. ^ Greatrex & Lieu (2002), p. 153
  12. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 384–389
  13. ^ Shahîd (1995), p. 396
  14. ^ Martindale, Jones & Morris (1992), pp. 35–36
  15. ^ a b Kazhdan (1991), p. 51
  16. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 398–406
  17. ^ a b c d e Martindale, Jones & Morris (1992), p. 36
  18. ^ Shahîd (1995), p. 404
  19. ^ Shahîd (1995), p. 412
  20. ^ Shahîd (1995), p. 413
  21. ^ a b Shahîd (1995), pp. 413–419; Greatrex & Lieu (2002), pp. 163–165
  22. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 420–423
  23. ^ a b Greatrex & Lieu (2002), p. 164
  24. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 439–443
  25. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 444–455
  26. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 446, 455–459
  27. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 459–462
  28. ^ Shahîd (1995), p. 462
  29. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 464–473
  30. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 474–478, 527–538
  31. ^ Shahîd (1995), pp. 463, 538
  32. ^ Martindale, Jones & Morris (1992), p. 37
